Email from California Department of Education sent today, 8/2/2021, regarding Annual Applications Update. If you are not receiving these notices from CDE you can sign up here. There are several scheduled emails CACFP operators will continue to receive from CDE post transition to the California Department of Social Services.

Dear Child and Adult Care Food Program Authorized Representative:
We are pleased to announce that the Annual Applications Update in the Child Nutrition Information and Payment System (CNIPS) for Program Year (PY) 2021–22 is now open!
This email announces the opening of the CNIPS for Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) agencies for PY 2021–22 (October 1, 2021, through September 30, 2022). CACFP agencies may now complete their annual CACFP participation updates for child or adult care centers in the CNIPS. CACFP agencies that sponsor day care home providers must follow the annual update procedure instructions sent in a separate email.
Per the State of California's intention to consolidate the early learning and child care programs with the California Department of Social Services (CDSS), the administration of the CACFP has now transferred to the CDSS effective July 1, 2021.
All participating CACFP agencies must annually revise and submit CNIPS updates to the CDSS.
Please note: If you do not wish to continue your participation in the CACFP, you must complete and submit the Self-cancellation Request Form (Form ID CACFP 42) immediately. The form is available in the Download Forms section of the CNIPS.
Please access the CNIPS at and have your user ID and password ready. Dow
nload the written procedures guide for completing the annual update from the Download Forms section of the CNIPS (Form ID CACFP 63 or 64). Please follow the step-by-step instructions in this written guide while you complete your annual update, as it will reduce the likelihood that CACFP staff will return your Application Packet to you for corrections.
Before you begin your annual update for PY 2021–22, you must ensure that you are a current CACFP agency. Your PY 2020–21 CNIPS Application must first be in the Approved status before starting the annual update process. To check, select PY 2020–21, open your Application Packet, and ensure that all forms and Site Applications are in an Approved status. Please also look at the Packet History at the bottom of the screen. If the most recent notation reads, “The application packet was approved,” then your Application is in an Approved status and you may select PY 2021–22 and select Enroll to start your annual update.
If the most recent Packet History does not indicate that the Application Packet was approved or if any forms or Site Applications are not in an Approved status, you must complete any changes and submit your 2020–21 Application Packet for approval before starting your 2021–22 annual update.
If you are unsure about your Application Packet status, or have questions about submitting it for approval, please contact your specialist.
Deadline for Agencies to Receive Reimbursement
Please submit your Application Packet for approval as soon as possible, but no later than August 31,
2021. CACFP staff must approve your 2021–22 Application Packet before you can claim reimbursement for October in PY 2021–22.
If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact your CACFP County Specialist. The County Specialist list can be found in the CNIPS, Download Forms section: CACFP—Form ID CACFP 01
If you have CNIPS technical questions or need your password reset, please contact the CNIPS Help Desk by phone at 800-952-5609, option 6, or by email at
Thank you.
The Child and Adult Care Food Program Team